ORANGE! The color of champions!

Thumbnail of the map 'ORANGE! The color of champions!'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author kablamo_boom
Tags author:kablamo_boom nreality unrated
Created 2008-12-11
Last Modified 2008-12-11
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description :<nreality>:

first completion gets a DED

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'under the eyes.' Thumbnail of the map '"My name is shpeck. You are safe."' Thumbnail of the map 'Town streets' Thumbnail of the map 'Downtown Streets' Thumbnail of the map 'City Blocks' Thumbnail of the map 'Greyscale'
under the eyes. "My name is shpeck. You are safe." Town streets Downtown Streets City Blocks Greyscale


Pages: (0)

Though nor for sake of the hateful hue.


completion demo ;)
Demo Data

its not impossible

i got to the thwump but i thought it was a bouncy block so i died :P

this map.

is cool looking, but it is impossible due to the trampolines. so can I have a ded if i rate it a 5/5?