NReality test

Thumbnail of the map 'NReality test'

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Author jasdanu
Tags author:jasdanu test unrated
Created 2008-12-11
Last Modified 2008-12-11
Map Data

Description first try at nreality. tileset my apse

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please tell me how 2 make a mini ninja! exellent anyway 4/5


better than the tilest, but i think u should add
wait a bit before you start playing in debug


it does on the userlevels it does

tileset my apse?

ninja mod does not work.


tileset my arse.


i know but i never did one so i just made a quick one for practice


apse i meant to do that i really did. i'll fix it

not bad

i wish to be credited. ;p


1. Give credit to apse for God's sake. You blatantly stile his tileset.
2. The mini-ninja still dies because if his position in the tile.
3. Mini maps are annoying and most of the time fail.


and fixed ninja
as a tag.