Hotel of Descruction

Thumbnail of the map 'Hotel of Descruction'

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Author woojelly
Tags author:woojelly hotel medium unrated
Created 2008-11-29
Last Modified 2008-11-29
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Some evil drones have trapped you in their hotel! The only way out is in the lobby but it has been blocked off. You will have to politely intrude into other peoples rooms and take their keys at the same time avoiding the sercurity guards lazer blaze and the auto turrents fires!

Other maps by this author

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Bounceaholic Tv really IS bad for you Blocks. Rooms of Ubstruction The two towers Abstract Aslyum


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Thanks for all the good comments guys


No demo-but comments. Nice mix of art and playable map. Maybe make each room harder from the top down. 3.5 rounding up.

it wasnt too bad

and it wasnt too good i did like the HOTEL sign but some of the things were either cheatable or annoying. 3/5 keep making maps dude. :)

Come on comment

Give me ur demos plz!