map #5

Thumbnail of the map 'map #5'

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Author mehnameisjonny
Tags author:mehnameisjonny easy hard medium tag unrated
Created 2008-11-28
Last Modified 2008-11-28
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description can't think of a name, really...

Other maps by this author

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Mission: impossible InSaNe AsYlUm don't look down Die Hard


Pages: (0)


It's actually not as bad as it looks. Contrary to what greenblack said I didn't think there were too many enemies, and they were put to decent use (especially the laser). There was a bit too much gold, though...moving some of it to other parts of the map might've helped. Also, the tileset was terrible, and that last switch is unnecessary, as you can see in my demo.

All in all, not bad, for a beginner.

Demo Data


dude, too many random enemies