Tele-DDA #1

Thumbnail of the map 'Tele-DDA #1'

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Author jbills
Tags author:jbills cool dda tele-dda teleport-launch-pad unrated
Created 2008-11-26
Last Modified 2008-11-26
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description this will show you the fastest dda ever

Other maps by this author

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Death by chaingun WHAT? Figure 8 loop-da-loop loop-da-loop 2 REALITY BENDER


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the title says it all

It's fast...

it's too fast. You could hit anything and not die (like some mines), the enemies can't hurt you because of this (heck, they can't catch up to you anyways), there were no close calls, it was short, and overall sucky.

1/5 for effort (if any)