Door Maze

Thumbnail of the map 'Door Maze'

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Author skippy101
Tags author:skippy101 luck maze unrated
Created 2008-11-25
Last Modified 2008-11-25
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description in the end it all comes down to luck...

yet it is ALL luck

AGDs please (under 90 seconds not including gold bonus)

Other maps by this author

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Eureka STAR WARS Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Jumping the Gun Within the mountains are great treasures Cell 51 Dangerous


Pages: (0)

It's not a maze!

These are called door eeries!



A 3, :(

I guess its your personal opinion

ok map, did you notice it has the number 666 in it lol


wasnt worth the loading time

2 of 5

well, honestly

i had nothing better to do at the moment

Oh, god,

stop with the door eeries! There are way too many of these out right now! Seriously! Can't people make real maps?


that door glitch never happened to me before

Check this

and why is it luck?
Demo Data