Strange Monastery

Thumbnail of the map 'Strange Monastery'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action agd author:guitar_hero_matt dronepaths highscorers rated small
Created 2008-11-24
Last Modified 2008-11-24
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Ded to Pheidipiddes for the inspiration. Great for highscoring, RCE.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Maximum Ride' Thumbnail of the map 'Outpost Alpha' Thumbnail of the map 'Outpost Bravo' Thumbnail of the map 'Outpost Charlie' Thumbnail of the map 'Blast Furnace' Thumbnail of the map 'Starscream'
The Maximum Ride Outpost Alpha Outpost Bravo Outpost Charlie Blast Furnace Starscream


Pages: (0)


Lets get started.


Wanna make a collab account? Any ideas for a name? Oh yes, and if we need a password, I have a perfect one which noone will get. So, wanna?


blonde moment :D

very fun


fun chalenge...

i got a bit confused at the biginning and had a blonde moment... 4

very enjoyable

and addictive

i played this map but forgot to comment >.<


realy good map.

i enjoyed it.


It's a cool concept

I thought the mines were annoying, but I guess that was their job, right? :) 4/5

Very slow

AGD. A very enjoyable challenge. 4/5. I liked it.
Demo Data

Sub 600 AGD

Sub 500 may or may not be possible. Good luck trying :)
Demo Data