
Thumbnail of the map 'Raid'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author NeverEnoughRoom
Tags author:neverenoughroom hard rated
Created 2008-11-21
Last Modified 2008-11-21
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description What?
The Drone army have captured the lookout towers and the cages?
Oh my god, it looks like I will have to be the one to save the day...



Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'N Front On' Thumbnail of the map 'Windmilling' Thumbnail of the map 'In & Out, Up & Down' Thumbnail of the map 'Hi!' Thumbnail of the map 'I like your erm, Mutant Bug!' Thumbnail of the map 'I like your erm, Mutant Bug! V1.1'
N Front On Windmilling In & Out, Up & Down Hi! I like your erm, Mutant Bug! I like your erm, Mutant Bug! V1.1


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congratz on ur ded

its ok

but i dont really think there is a point to this level -_-
my DED for you my friend :D enjoy tell me what needs fixing too


is called a challenge

no srry, thats 4 guass >_<

enemy spam, 1 enemy is effective enough, trying to climb over the bounce block wall with 2 rockets and 2 guass was terribly annoying. 2.5^/5


you can make me ded

your maps are awesome too
just cuz your map style is awesome can you tell me if that's okay on by commenting 'yes you can make DED' or 'no you can't make DED' on one of my maps. so i know :)

keep up the awesome maps.
