Thumbnail of the map 'HAPPY'

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Author loophole
Tags author:loophole dda kaddra launchpads unrated
Created 2008-11-20
Last Modified 2008-11-20
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description 2 kaddra

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'That's too much (rockets)' Thumbnail of the map 'my flow' Thumbnail of the map 'bounce chamber' Thumbnail of the map 'my flow 2' Thumbnail of the map 'lucy locket had an rocket' Thumbnail of the map 'lines'
That's too much (rockets) my flow bounce chamber my flow 2 lucy locket had an rocket lines


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it's KRADDA, not kaddra. KRADDA stands for "Keep Rocket Alive Don't Do Anything."
You should edit your tags (in case you don't know how, click the "Edit" link to the right of your map title).
so the rocket gets closer to the tiles.
Also, make sure the rocket doesn't trail too far behind the ninja, as close calls with the ninja makes a KRADDA more exciting. It's also better if you maneuver the ninja behind and around the rocket instead of having it permanently in front of the rocket.
Check out bluenin's We Burn [] and Clifty's The Right Angle [] for some really great examples of KRADDAs.

oh and

launch pads are too easy too work with...
seriously ..


too short.. hardly any close calls.. the rocket was too far away.. and it wasn't tightly sqeezed...
1. sorry look at mine or somebody elses to get a better Idea of what a KRADDA is...