Iseult's Anguish

Thumbnail of the map 'Iseult's Anguish'

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Author epigone
Tags action author:epigone playable puzzle rated
Created 2008-11-19
Last Modified 2008-11-19
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Having quaffed a potion, whilst bequeathed upon one, loves another.

In all actuality, I just wanted to use thwumps. There are several ways to get the first key, so be creative.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Citizens of Tommorow' Thumbnail of the map 'Dystopia iii' Thumbnail of the map 'And one day we will die' Thumbnail of the map 'Dear Prudence' Thumbnail of the map 'Deconstruct' Thumbnail of the map 'Tristan and Isolde'
Citizens of Tommorow Dystopia iii And one day we will die Dear Prudence Deconstruct Tristan and Isolde


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The only thing

I didn't like was the paths, but that's not very important , 4.2/5!

It's not cheatable.

It's got multiple routes on purpose. I even said so in the description.

I just noticed

how easy this map is to cheat
Demo Data


I got creative :D

Demo Data

well toasters

I thought it wasn't cheatable. I've know idea how you squeaked through there.

PS: There are at least three ways to get that first key


how did I do this?
Demo Data
But the map got really fun after that. Great use of thwumps :]


It was interesting. I liked it. 4/5.