Trial and Error

Thumbnail of the map 'Trial and Error'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author swipenet
Tags author:swipenet fun hardish memory puzzle rtc unrated
Created 2008-11-07
Last Modified 2008-11-07
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A level designed to enhance your memory, creativity (as it's cheatable) and coordination. Have fun (or not).

Ranks (Time Remaining):

0.000 (You die) - Lol. Try again. 'noob'
10.000 or less - You beat it. 'novice'
20.000 or less - Not bad. You memory capacity is commendable. 'player'
30.000 or less - Good job! 'adept'
40.000 or less - Surprising. You are clearly an experienced player. 'ninja'
50.000 or less - Astonishing. You are likely to be a highscorer one day. 'pro'
50.000 - 55.000 - dividing line
more than 55.000 - Congratulations!!! You are now officially a 'xaelar'.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Agility Course' Thumbnail of the map 'Maneuver' Thumbnail of the map 'Mega Track' Thumbnail of the map 'Asset Acquisition' Thumbnail of the map 'True Speed' Thumbnail of the map 'Reactor'
Agility Course Maneuver Mega Track Asset Acquisition True Speed Reactor


Pages: (0)

Xaelar rank

but xaelar could probably do better
Demo Data

Demo - Halfway

between 'pro' and 'xaelar' ranking.
Demo Data

But once

you know how to do it its pretty fun to speed-run.
Demo Data


I know...

its just

too boring though