Chasing Cars

Thumbnail of the map 'Chasing Cars'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author _destiny^-
Tags author:_destiny^- ded destiny flowy playable race rated
Created 2008-11-06
Last Modified 2008-11-06
by 20 people.
Map Data

Description This race is dedicated to a couple of guys:

Power_Fiend firstly, because he has commented on a ton of my maps, even the ones that arent races.

B3njamin also gets this one - because he's back and mapping ^^

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Abandoned' Thumbnail of the map 'A City Unknown' Thumbnail of the map 'Something In The Ice' Thumbnail of the map 'The Drone Trapper' Thumbnail of the map 'Flow Assist' Thumbnail of the map 'Gravel'
Abandoned A City Unknown Something In The Ice The Drone Trapper Flow Assist Gravel


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flo is great

and even if it is the same as most of your other races, not all, but it doesn't matter, 'cos its great style, great flo, and that's what makes a great race.


This is great. I mean sure the flow is ordinary, but I'm not quite tired of it yet. I haven't played as much races as yungerkid, flagmyidol, or max_ride though. It's still pretty great. 4aved


i do realize when i do it. I just go with public demand. It would seem that abstract is again in demand.


one of your best. but i agree with Max_Ride; it's almost like you've fallen into a rut and you don't realize it.

still i'm not complaining. faved.

looks to me like

it's time to put my abstract hat on again.
I wish I had your style... 5/5

First try AGD.

Good as always, but I'd like to see something different.
Demo Data

agreed with max.

i didn't even comment on this one because i really had nothing positive to say. that's all there is to it. you take it from there.
But it just seems like every other race you make.
I don't blame you,
it's the same for me.

It just seems to me like you and benjamin and a few other current race-makers ONLY make these kinda of maps.

I suggest you try to make something with more of a broken flow so you have to actually think a little and it's not like a dda, almost. I think you'd be surprised with what you could create.

NICE map

and of course, i love the whole map too ^^

btw, i made a race, on the hot maps atm, do u think u could critique it?
That right chimney is really difficult. But not impossible.
I liked it much! again, 5aved
Demo Data


I just came here to see if I have any comments, and I saw this! I just love your maps, great work in all of them, I want to play them all.

I won't be making a map for a few days though, got some other things to do (spooks!).



I just came here to see if I have any comments, and I saw this! I just love your maps, great work in all of them, I want to play them all.

I won't be making a map for a few days though, got some other things to do (spooks!).


smoooth race



...holy crap you have to see this amazing snipe by the gauss...fuckin race too! say 4/5 no prob...
Demo Data


one piece of gold
another race where i just knew it was yours :D
Demo Data

Pretty cool

Overtly long imo, and altho the seekers were cool, they derailed really often. 3.5 up
which is great, 4

First try

so bad that it should be good for a smile.
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