Mines of Moria

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Author F3a_2
Tags author:f3a_2 dda rated
Created 2005-09-29
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Okay, here is a KRA DDA with no jump pads and the rocket skims the ground HEAPS.

Please rate, comment and enjoy. This took ages to make so you better enjoy it.

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Good KRAs are a pain in the butt to make, I hope your rear end does not hurt too much


I liked it though I also didn't like the text being there that much.


I agree with astro.
the writing adds heaps of load time and spoils some of it. as for close calls its hard to put them in a KRA but there werent even any other enemies
otherwise great. 4/5

I liked it. A bit too short, and you can make the breathways smaller a bit.
By the way get rid of the ridiculous mine/gold writing.


There was one fairly close call. But otherwise pretty boring. More excitement and less open space would make things better.

Hold on there...

There were no close calls, JJT! How could that be a 5/5?! I am not saying I could make better, but even Tattletale or Rocketed hasn't acheived perfect marks! (Although they should, some just rate it to '0' because they're prats)

3.5/5, and that's because I'm naive when it comes to KRADDAs, think they're the best things ever...


But you die at the end.
But still...5/5.