The Little Rocket That Could...

Thumbnail of the map 'The Little Rocket That Could...'

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Author SquidgY
Tags author:squidgy dda rated
Created 2005-09-28
by 19 people.
Map Data

Description I was thinking of writing up a story based on how optimism prevails and maybe something about believing in yourself... but come on folks, this is Ninja vs. a rocket, we all know who wins. It doesn't matter how much enthusiasm that rocket has if he's facing the hero, N.

Well, I hope you enjoy my KRADDA... I decided to wait 'till they phased out of popularity so I didn't look like some thrall of the masses, ya know? I hope you like pointless door glitch exploitation and heaping coin stalls, because I do.

P.S. For you optimists who feel sorry for the rocket, just add !0^708,84 to the end of the map data... it's just an optional ending, nothing fancy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Pipe Dream' Thumbnail of the map 'Labry-N-th' Thumbnail of the map 'Doors Doors Doors' Thumbnail of the map '"Faux Pas"ing' Thumbnail of the map '60 seconds for 60 Degrees' Thumbnail of the map 'A Tribute to Bad Maps'
Pipe Dream Labry-N-th Doors Doors Doors "Faux Pas"ing 60 seconds for 60 Degrees A Tribute to Bad Maps


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Absolutely great. This is the best and longest KRADDA I've seen so far. Great work. 5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5

I love it. Except

Except that I got my hopes up by those 5 tiles at hte top...

Poor Rocket!

The first KRADDA i ever felt sorry for the rocket. Great job with timing all the gold delays. 4.5/5


the number of gold delays kinda bothered me only a 4/5 but a high one


You flatter me dyland. :P As well as everyone, thanks for the complements.

(I actually did have the rocket going through the narrow paths, when there were only 3… and they weren't AS narrow… but I scrapped that path for the one he takes up top now.)


was amazing. It has a way different style to all those other DDAs and a bit more open




i would of liked to see the rocket go through those straight narrow paths at the top. the best part is the whole begining area. very nice. gold delay rely works well with kra maps. i think you might of discovered something!