Prison Power Plant Puzzle 4

Thumbnail of the map 'Prison Power Plant Puzzle 4'

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Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action author:guitar_hero_matt dronepaths mines puzzle rated zapdrones
Created 2008-10-27
Last Modified 2008-10-27
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Quite different from the others, feel free to have a look at them too.

Basically, a map where Ive tried to make the most of zap drones (with a few added mines); youll see them used in a number of different ways. It starts off with a prisoneresque section, then a small minejumping corridor, before a large timing puzzle.Generally (but not always, if your good), youll need to trap the seeker in the mine channel. Once you press the exit key, get out quick. Make sure the starting drones dont get in your way. RCE!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Stealth Taxes' Thumbnail of the map 'Hard Working Miners' Thumbnail of the map 'Wayfaring Apprentice' Thumbnail of the map 'The 1421 Hypothesis' Thumbnail of the map 'Resisting The Fall of a Man' Thumbnail of the map 'Burning The Eagle's Wings'
Stealth Taxes Hard Working Miners Wayfaring Apprentice The 1421 Hypothesis Resisting The Fall of a Man Burning The Eagle's Wings


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AGD except for the gay nine. cool tiles, mines.
Demo Data



I never found the left a problem, but meh, now it shouldnt be. Thats all Im willing to remove tho.

psss! I like it.

*click here to play*


Ill edit out a few mines, but not too many, the large mine passage stays as is, you should have found a way to beat the drones to the exit and its a moral lesson. LO


erik jacked my avatar!


this would be a five because the drone mechanics are awesome, but the mine/gold placement is a little too fiddly, the overly precise jumps is kind of dampening
loosen up the mines a bit and you'll have a winner


My complaint WAS going to be the seeker drone but I got used to it. 4.5^
Demo Data

I know!

God this is getting spammy. Any comments on the map?
Do whatever you want.
Ill keep making more of these maps. But Ill go off on a tangent every now and again.


Stick to this. It is you!
thank you:)
I think you should stick to your style, because, well..., it's yours.
Hope you enjoy it!


I dont :)

Ooh, Ill have a look at your new map now. I will move towards different styles, but since everyone wants me to have a distinct flavor I guess thats what Ill do atm.

*double posts again*


It's cool.

But i'm an ALL ROUND map-maker, don't expect me to stick to a theme for the rest of my maps.


It's cool.

But i'm an ALL ROUND map-maker, don't expect me to stick to a theme for the rest of my maps.


It seems that everyone wants me to find my spice, what makes me "me" I think this is it imo. Ill make different maps, but this is probably going to be my assumed format, like yours with minejumpers or crescors with cool, weird tiles.


It seems that everyone wants me to find my spice, what makes me "me" I think this is it imo. Ill make different maps, but this is probably going to be my assumed format, like yours with minejumpers or crescors with cool, weird tiles.
Try something new.




The map is now possible to complete if the drones reach the gold area, but an agd isnt possible, and the path is fairly hard.

hard hard hardne

I didnt need to edit it, just check the description.
but i hated the seeker drone
i kept getting stuck were the button is
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