304: Laser Gym - Scissor Sisters

Thumbnail of the map '304: Laser Gym - Scissor Sisters'

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Author astheoceansblue
Tags 150 author:astheoceansblue sunshineschience unrated
Created 2008-10-20
Last Modified 2008-10-20
Map Data

Description #A REVISED 304 from my new levelpack: SUNSHINEscience []

///Edited tiles; added second exit.

Other maps by this author

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200: gargoyle two-step shē sĭngs mĭ-tăs'tə-sĭs e d e n perspex messiah flowering the glow WARNING forever


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Fairly cool

A fun level.
I have always preferred levels that were enjoyable and not overly challenging. For example, it's possible to lose, but it's not impossible to win. Congratulations on meeting my standards, favorited.


this was so fun. i would demo, but i can't get one that's worthy of this map.
Congrats on 150 though.


Disabled ratings :P
But the gameplay of this one just cancels it out.


i like that you had more than one exit, it kinda went out of fashion in standard action maps, which is a shame i think because it adds so much potential for interesting gameplay.
*heads off to make multiple exit maps*
Edited the tiles: I think it feels a lot warmer now.

You have

in the pack :p
you this of all people, but I thought it lacked atmosphere.

It was fun, but it felt like I had played it before.