i wanna be a woman

Thumbnail of the map 'i wanna be a woman'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author sept
Tags a author:sept be i rated wanna woman
Created 2008-09-29
Last Modified 2008-09-29
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Yoyoyo. Not sure if I like this map or not.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'I Created atob' Thumbnail of the map 'Rudolph' Thumbnail of the map 'Eight Crows' Thumbnail of the map 'growing' Thumbnail of the map 'The Tragic Prince' Thumbnail of the map 'Waves of Namibia'
I Created atob Rudolph Eight Crows growing The Tragic Prince Waves of Namibia


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The sections are well balanced in terms of difficulty, and I liked how they contrasted in type of gameplay (stealthy/fast paced). 4/5
Demo Data

im a girl

its not ALL that! ;)_
Upper part needs less gauss. But both parts play pretty well, and I enjoy playing around on them (A map based on the concept of the bottom area, but with more substance than just one laser drone, would get a pretty good rating from me at least). 4/5


Looks like you focused on aesthetics way more than gameplay. Still good none the less.
Demo Data