
Thumbnail of the map 'Heartbreaker'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Conen__TG_
Tags action author:conen__tg_ conen losttortuga rated
Created 2008-09-26
Last Modified 2008-09-26
by 5 people.
Map Data


This is a level from my first ever Map pack called "Lost Memorial"

I recieved almost NO feedback on the pack, and I felt that was a shame, because I personally believed that it had some nice pieces.

This is a futile effort to bring a bit of attention to the pack in the form of a teaser level, and I hope you all enjoy this.

The Pack can be found here:

This level was made from Losttortuga's tileset entitled "DARK EYES", the link to that map is in the first post of the thread I posted a link to.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Castle Traps' Thumbnail of the map 'Hobo-Fire' Thumbnail of the map 'Entanglement' Thumbnail of the map '0 - 04: Six-Six-Sity Pt. 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Hail' Thumbnail of the map 'Totemic'
Castle Traps Hobo-Fire Entanglement 0 - 04: Six-Six-Sity Pt. 2 Hail Totemic


Pages: (0)


cool :D
i really like how the tube worked, and the little quirks in the flow made it awesome. five!


I really enjoyed the flow available here.
Demo Data

5 fairy fun

i didn't like the middle gauss. that's all. also it's a shame your other new map didn't get much recognition--i would AGD it but i'm at school. cheers.
it required skillful jumping and I felt that it was the most satisfying to complete.

I actually flipped a coin between posting this map or "The Messenger" if you recall that level.

oh yes,

this was the only map from the pack that i didn't like. i thought it was all nice, except for the stretched gameplay around the tube. it was just too awkward for me.
except i believe that the map was pretty much *all* good pieces. i would bump the thread, but...well, erm, i might get flamed for it.

y'all should check out the pack. it's nice.