Guns 'n' Roses

Thumbnail of the map 'Guns 'n' Roses'

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Author Kaylab
Tags agd author:kaylab easy fun n-art playable unrated
Created 2008-09-25
Last Modified 2008-09-25
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Could Someone Please Tell Me How To Save A Map Without Submitting It. :S

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'My First Map.' Thumbnail of the map 'My Question For You. :)'
My First Map. My Question For You. :)


Pages: (0)


Man gnr own so much. SLash is like....awesome.... but still i was originally gonna be called gnr but i got the letter the wrong way around lol si i ended up with grn lol!

How to

When youve done editing your level, you should see 2 text boxes in the main edit mode screen, one with level data, one with demo data. To save it, just copy and paste the level data code into a notepad, word, or any other document you want to use, and save that. Then to load it again, you paste that code from the word/notepad document back into the level data text box (deleting anything in there beforehand) and hit the l button. you can also save the level into your userlevels document in your ngame folder (wherever you downlaoded it to) it has instructions on how to do that somewhere in there.

Also, the level itself was pretty good, with well placed enemies, although the thwumps were a bit pointless. 4