Oblivion's Canyon

Thumbnail of the map 'Oblivion's Canyon'

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Author NICNAC14
Tags agd author:nicnac14 food fun oblivion playable unrated
Created 2008-09-24
Last Modified 2008-10-01
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description just a little agd adventure i put together .
2nd part of my Oblivion Series....

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Rugged Rice' Thumbnail of the map 'Counter-jUmp' Thumbnail of the map 'Surfs Up!' Thumbnail of the map 'Passive Dimensions' Thumbnail of the map 'A World beneath... ... Earth' Thumbnail of the map 'Microchip'
Rugged Rice Counter-jUmp Surfs Up! Passive Dimensions A World beneath... ... Earth Microchip


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way too easy. and very door spammy, as ghm said.
thought the gold was alright in this one, but there was a tad too much of it.

3.5 down


ur right but i couldn't think of anything..

Its alrite

But the lack of enemies in the centre makes it kinda boring. And its kinda door-spammish. 3.