
Thumbnail of the map 'Shove'

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Author pocketchange24641
Tags author:pocketchange24641 dda unrated
Created 2008-09-21
Last Modified 2008-09-21
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My last try at a DDA. Tell me if this one is better.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Mining the Field' Thumbnail of the map 'SMW Bonus Game!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'dooreerie snake' Thumbnail of the map 'The trapdoors are good, right?' Thumbnail of the map 'The no jumping allowed challenge.' Thumbnail of the map 'The Legend of the Impossible Cube'
Mining the Field SMW Bonus Game!!! dooreerie snake The trapdoors are good, right? The no jumping allowed challenge. The Legend of the Impossible Cube


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i 100% agree with kaylab...
but at the bottom place with the 2 springboards like
|>| |<|
you sometimes die there


Don't listen to the other guy, i thought it was very creative and must have taken you ages, you have a lot of patients bro, use it.


the first bit with the thwumps was good, but after that there were no close calls and too many bouncepads, plus the ninja went off in th wrong direction for no reason. 2/5