Comments on "Macro Expansion"

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I know exactly what this is. Looking forward to your imminent lack of replies...
Just accept this as what it is and quit posting on my map. I'm no longer replying to your comments.
I can take being reported, probably happens all the time if you have such a low threshold of what is 'rough' criticism. But of course, if someone is going to question your maps default brilliance - it was made by you, so how could there be any doubt about that? - I too would go all out with some nice derogatory, insult-based reply. There's no harm in that is there?


It doesn't 'devoid abuse' just because I responded to your rough criticism. But this conversation has gone on way too long and you're the only one that won't stop, so I will have to report you as being abusive at this point. Sorry.


Save for the 'knob' comment, I think I've been really quite eloquent. Obviously though, accusing someone of flapping their lips in the wind is a statement completely devoid of abuse.

I don't quite think this is spam, since we appear to be following some thread of conversation, well no, I'm making points, and your bawling away at how I refuse to shut up and accept some sort of authority you seem to think you have. I'm actually quite enjoying myself.
I'll report abuse.

Just get over it and spam someone elses map with mindless comments.


you've noticed you were wrong, since you've stopped mentioning the original point, and have taken to some bungled face saving. The problem you've got, is that it's much harder to come across as the "bigger man" when you were the one who needlessly threw yourself into this argument/tiff in the first place.
But since I'm the only one that seems to understand that this is senseless, then yes, I will be the bigger man and end it.

The end.
is trying to sound like the bigger man, when in fact, you were wrong from the start, and decided to throw a wobbly for no reason. Nice going there. I hope it works out well for you.
I would have thought that you would understand what 'done' refers to.
'you just inconsiderately placed "Genre" after new without considering what you actually read out of my discription.'

Hmm, sounds to me like you were mistaken. Oh dear, why is everything a fight.

Heh, drama llamas!

Thumprulsion's nothing new, but you've used it well. 4.


Admit the mistake? I would, only if I were mistaken. As for this conversation, it's going no where and I'm done with it.

Ah shit

I'm sorry for you not bothering to take things in context and presume that I was taking offence at something you'd said, especially when I said 'melodramatic lot'. Who calls one person a 'lot'?

Gah, admit the mistake, instead of being a knob.
Next time, say who you're commenting to (my description or boba) instead of just flapping your lips in the wind.


check out bobaganuesh_2's comment.

I stand by what I said.


that's cool.

I agree with Life247 though, the waiting sucked.



this is going to be featured? i'm feeling sick, i'm going to go somewhere else.


the waiting sucked, and the enemies could have been better. loved the jumps though. 4aved.
Demo Data


It's help. You can figure it out without reading the description.

Unless you're an idiot....

@ mintnut

"The new" stands for the new version of this map (I.E. Micro Expansion,) you just inconsiderately placed "Genre" after new without considering what you actually read out of my discription.

Also, if the directions don't help you, ignore them and don't bash them, they weren't made for you personally.
You melodramatic lot, it's good, but it ain't really worth some of the praise it's getting, it felt very pedestrian to me.

Also, any level that requires instructions is doing something very wrong.


WOW! that's wonderful
I Love it.
I from italy.


appreciate the mix of level types, but there are some fluidity issues. Since this is a generally new genre of maps, it's understandable. 4.5/5


This is really cool. Glad you made it a full race this time. Awesome job!


never seen a race liket his before


Did this a while ago. But this is still pretty amazing. 5aved

Faster AGD

This map is amazing, it really is!
Demo Data




Fived. Faved. Featured.

Geez MAM

You're fast.
Demo Data

I didn't

like it, don't know why

Its cool

But as a race I felt the thwumps intruded a bit. the hybrid tag is definitely useful, 4.


excelent 5/5
Demo Data


For refrence, which I'm sure you will need.
Demo Data