
Thumbnail of the map 'Dino-Run'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author SkyRay
Tags author:skyray map map-pack mappack pack rated simple
Created 2008-09-19
Last Modified 2008-09-19
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description Part of an upcoming mappack, more elaborate maps (like this) will come at the end of each set of maps..

Simple and complex at the same time

DED to Izzy

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'It's Raining' Thumbnail of the map 'I'm Cool Now.. Right Guys?' Thumbnail of the map 'The Sound of San Francisco' Thumbnail of the map 'EVERYBODY GETS A HUMPBACK WHALE!' Thumbnail of the map 'Always Have a Backup Plan' Thumbnail of the map 'Citi-Jumpir-1.4'
It's Raining I'm Cool Now.. Right Guys? The Sound of San Francisco EVERYBODY GETS A HUMPBACK WHALE! Always Have a Backup Plan Citi-Jumpir-1.4


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and fastest AGD
Demo Data

Thanks for the DED

Coincidentally, I played this game for the first time a few hours before it was submitted... O_o

and the bottom secton was average.
i didnt really see the point in all those doors and gauss's at the top. one gauss would have been enough. especially if this is supposed to be part of a mappack.
Demo Data


it's only my opinion. don't drag my mom into it.

funny!! 3/5
so's your face! so yea..

its leg is broken.

dumb map. 3.
Demo Data

outward thrust!!

haha lol 4/5!! love


Awesome. Also sorry for comment spam. ^^;
Also I didnt like that the dinosaur was so chopped up but still a good map. 4/5
Also I didnt like that the dinosaur was so chopped up but still a good map. 4/5
I made a lot of jumps that I didnt expect (but led me to death) I dont like the squeeze the second time because the gauss killed me...
but the rest wasn't as fun as I was hoping it would be. NR.