boot camp: when the sun falls...

Thumbnail of the map 'boot camp: when the sun falls...'

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Author gr_8
Tags author:gr_8 fun last medium series unrated
Created 2008-09-03
Last Modified 2008-09-03
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
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Description does the enemy.
the last in this series!
when N goes under the cover of darkness, the easiest thing to do would be run. But no, N must destroy Boot Camp... ONCE AND FOR ALL!
This level is not too hard, but then again all the guards are asleep so blame them, not me :)
and then i will return, with new maps, when the sun rises again...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'boot camp: day 1 in military' Thumbnail of the map 'Boot camp: day 2 in military' Thumbnail of the map 'Boot Camp: first mission' Thumbnail of the map 'Boot Camp: the first surprise' Thumbnail of the map 'Boot Camp: The Escape' Thumbnail of the map 'Boot Camp: the base attack!'
boot camp: day 1 in military Boot camp: day 2 in military Boot Camp: first mission Boot Camp: the first surprise Boot Camp: The Escape Boot Camp: the base attack!