
Thumbnail of the map 'Praise'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author hoohah2x2sday
Tags author:hoohah2x2sday n-art praise rated tileset ts
Created 2008-09-02
Last Modified 2008-09-02
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description My best tiles. Ever.

looks better in full screen.

EDIT: use, abuse, but credit

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Suicide Mission 01' Thumbnail of the map 'Mindcasting' Thumbnail of the map 'Isoagglutinin' Thumbnail of the map 'The Secret Hour (no-jump)' Thumbnail of the map 'Simplicity is key.' Thumbnail of the map 'MRHS'
Suicide Mission 01 Mindcasting Isoagglutinin The Secret Hour (no-jump) Simplicity is key. MRHS


Pages: (0)


No replays....
unless of course u dont count the thumb as a finger. but if the thumb isnt a finger than your "middle finger" isnt in the middle...HA!

you could've

done four fingers. The sun kinda bothers me too

It's kinda simple

I think the sun/hands could have been better accomplished with tiles. 3.


I didn't like it. It seems different from your style. Also, I'm not a fan of symmetrical tiles. I realize this took skill to make so I will give you a 3.


...who sniped it?


idk what you mean

but you like it, so thats a plus!

I ment

the artistic expression of the hands? =D

Simpson hands

except they only have four fingers lol. wondered if anyone would catch it.


I like it better in the thumb, for some dark, unknown reason;)


Delicious cookie tiles.
Hands look really realistic, excellent job!


i was trying to make a rel map of this, but it didnt work because it was tight. I just thought it looked pretty cool

I like it

But the gap looks too narrow. I understand u wanted to get more fingers in, but this more or less forces a thwump or bouncepad to work at all unless u have insane jumping skills. And I cant see much other good enemy placement.

But the tiles are cool. 4.