machines that lie

Thumbnail of the map 'machines that lie'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author fishbone
Tags action author:fishbone playable rated
Created 2008-08-31
Last Modified 2008-08-31
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description RCE.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'in the end the end has no end...' Thumbnail of the map 'buzzbombs from pasadena' Thumbnail of the map 'whacko jacko' Thumbnail of the map 'cake or death?!' Thumbnail of the map 'thetawaves' Thumbnail of the map 'leave your tray in the upright position'
in the end the end has no end... buzzbombs from pasadena whacko jacko cake or death?! thetawaves leave your tray in the upright position


Pages: (0)

Nice tiles

faved for later (so tired)

Looks good

AGD doesnt. 3.5/5 up
Demo Data


but getting AGD was wayyyyy too hard.

Demo Data


Kinda got hard getting the gold with both that chaingun drone and guass...whatevs, it's still pretty fun.


Demo Data