Thwump it up

Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump it up'

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Author Hellheart
Tags author:hellheart playable race unrated
Created 2005-09-16
Last Modified 2005-09-16
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My second submission to TOLODC - - is the first race I've made with excellent, excellent flow. You rarely slow down here, only in places where it was nearly impossible to make things flow better without adding more objects (and thus reducing my score) ;x

Thwumps exist to add a bit of thrill and force you to go faaaaast, as they're timed to be *very* close every time.

Watch the demo if you can't figure out how to go fast enough...on the second jump from the left wall, as you're jumping up from the lower-right similar jump, you need to let go of the jump key just slightly early or you'll go too far and diagonally jump. Couldn't fix this :/

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Splashdown' Thumbnail of the map 'Precision Series 3' Thumbnail of the map 'Bouncy Bouncy!' Thumbnail of the map 'Dim-N-Tia' Thumbnail of the map 'Stagnant' Thumbnail of the map 'Flaccid'
Splashdown Precision Series 3 Bouncy Bouncy! Dim-N-Tia Stagnant Flaccid


Pages: (0)

Cosmetic Edit

Killed Nevermore's demo, unfortunately :/ . But this makes it look much better, which is important for the contest.

The new tileset theme is "diamond". Designed to keep my demo intact, which I will post now...
Demo Data


Demo Data