Flight of the Penguin

Thumbnail of the map 'Flight of the Penguin'

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Author w1ldcard
Tags author:w1ldcard dda rated
Created 2005-09-15
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description An amatuer DDA, this is my very first one, so any advice you guys might have would be awsome, it is a fairly simple map, so please don't be too harsh , once again, any advice is welcome.


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i liked the mine parts but there where to many jumpads
another way to launch is using the pressure from thwumps


Thanks for the advice, but like I said,this is my first one, but could someone maybe give me an example of a different launch? I still have ALOT to learn about this stuff.


short not enough close calls over spam of pads 2/5

Shows Promise

You do some neat things with switches, I'd just like to see more of them. I agree with villemancer, too many jump pads and you can use your space a lot more efficiently than you already do -- its so wide open and empty.


Too many jump-pads.
You should have used other kinds of propulsion too, it would have been more interesting.