Vital Organs

Thumbnail of the map 'Vital Organs'

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Author pinksynth
Tags author:pinksynth dumb insides organs rated
Created 2008-08-20
Last Modified 2008-08-20
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Time for a potty break. This level is asinine. Use and/or edit the tileset if you want, no need for cred.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Rectagonal' Thumbnail of the map 'Geometry Domini' Thumbnail of the map 'Impassible Missiles' Thumbnail of the map 'Rage-Bot 5000' Thumbnail of the map 'Obtuse Moose' Thumbnail of the map 'Cycles Again'
Rectagonal Geometry Domini Impassible Missiles Rage-Bot 5000 Obtuse Moose Cycles Again


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I was just kinda bored and uninspired…oh wait scratch that. I was inspired, but lethargic, so mostly I felt like making intestines, but the level's not so much for the gameplay as it is for the tileset.


Interesting map... 3.5/5 if I could give that. The one thing I didn't like was the launchpads at the ending.
Demo Data


surprising good considering you have hardly any space to work with
Demo Data


this is awesome!

4 for goodish gameplay


there's no specific way to get past that part, it almost seems like a crapshoot, but there's still a feeling that you need to try in it.


Interesting map. My favorite part was the part with the thwump and gauss.
Demo Data

First try death demo.
Demo Data