somewhat psychotic

Thumbnail of the map 'somewhat psychotic'

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Author PETE_D
Tags action author:pete_d nreality playermod tncc unrated
Created 2008-08-19
Last Modified 2008-08-19
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description use with nreality. that's all i can say. for tncc week 3.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'paranoia will destroy ya' Thumbnail of the map 'spanner in the works' Thumbnail of the map 'virtual hornets' Thumbnail of the map 'flippin' heck' Thumbnail of the map 'have you ever?' Thumbnail of the map 'pentagonal'
paranoia will destroy ya spanner in the works virtual hornets flippin' heck have you ever? pentagonal


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fun :)