
Thumbnail of the map 'CharizarD'

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Tags author:palemoon rated zivilynbane
Created 2008-08-19
Last Modified 2008-08-19
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description TS by ZivilynBane

It's tradition, now. LSD remixes are go go

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'And We Flew R O C K E T S to the Sun' Thumbnail of the map 'R O C K E T S [Reverb Remix]' Thumbnail of the map 'Shock Voltage 1 Hundred %' Thumbnail of the map 'Lunar Tide Shifter P A L E M O O N' Thumbnail of the map 'I  [Set] Myself on Fire With[out] You' Thumbnail of the map 'Ivysaur + Trippin' Balls'
And We Flew R O C K E T S to the Sun R O C K E T S [Reverb Remix] Shock Voltage 1 Hundred % Lunar Tide Shifter P A L E M O O N I [Set] Myself on Fire With[out] You Ivysaur + Trippin' Balls


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you really screwed this up. i give it a 0 for effort


excuuuuuuuuuuse me for asking -_-


Plays quite nice.

The tiles are quite nice, too. Do love the pile-tasting (err, tile-pasting) technique, I do that stuffnitz a bit, maybe more than a bit, yknow, sepukku, snake charmer, bread for speed, 79 sans apos, insomne valla, that good stuff.

BTWTOTALLY-RELATED: school starts in two days and I haven't started my summer reading shiznits. Plot summary, 15 quotes, themes, symbolism, wtfaslkdfja;sldkfja;l.
i really like these maps

possible? i dunno.

seems very unplaytested :/

But it's nice that you have proved to us that pokémon are best served mauled and shredded.
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haha you even put the ninja in the roughly the same place. i just did that to make the arm look better in the thumbnail.
man i wish i could do that with text, but i don't know how to do those symbols on my keyboard

No offense, but you ruined the tileset -.-
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Whenever I try to do that it looks like crap. Anyway, I'm giving this a 5 just because you know how to make one Charizard lead right into another. I'm sure that my point will never reach you, but just know there is one. Also, the Missile is EVIL! Good job.

Also, I know this is the last thing you want someone to ask you but will you please look at my map? The name is Reminisce: Starlite. I would really like at least one Professional opinion on it. Yes, that was a compliment.

I cant get back out

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