
Thumbnail of the map 'BlunterBullet'

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Tags author:palemoon blun et rated terbull
Created 2008-08-04
Last Modified 2008-08-04
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description negative psyk nullification field

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'A C K4 O N I N 9E' Thumbnail of the map '"W H F!"' Thumbnail of the map 'Music Up To No Amount' Thumbnail of the map '[ W C ]' Thumbnail of the map 'Sanity' Thumbnail of the map 'INMoO,NEW'
A C K4 O N I N 9E "W H F!" Music Up To No Amount [ W C ] Sanity INMoO,NEW


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About the mine-jumping.. Exit key was also annoying
3/5 because the difficulty of having to go to the bottom was nice and the freedom of the end was exciting
Demo Data

tough jumps.

but the key placement was so great!
the floorguards and general made the map. Death demo below.
Demo Data

hated it

wow that was a wast of my life..... ssssooooo bad........

I liked it..

But the mine-jumping part was a bit long and tedious.

3.5 rounded up