The Light of Night

Thumbnail of the map 'The Light of Night'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Erik-Player
Tags action author:erik-player day night playable rated symmetrical
Created 2008-08-03
Last Modified 2008-11-06
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Please RCE. Seems I edited a map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tileset' Thumbnail of the map 'Portable engineering' Thumbnail of the map 'Chamber Zone' Thumbnail of the map 'AGD Rush' Thumbnail of the map 'Gold Rush' Thumbnail of the map 'My n world'
Tileset Portable engineering Chamber Zone AGD Rush Gold Rush My n world


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Its ok....

I think its an okay idie but I got too bored 3/4 is my rating...


So many rockets.
But I beat it after a while.

pretty fun map

3/5 but i think its a bit boring considering i like how its kinda easy but since its easy theres no point making it repeditive

The rockets.

they shoot straight forward

i don't see

why nreality is necessary tho.

even though

the thumbnail looks bad, the gameplay is awesome. i like the bounceblocks and mines. this has perfect enemy placement. i like the lower corners too. this is wonderful. 4.5/5 rounded down.