
Thumbnail of the map 'Juperos'

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Author Arona_Daal
Tags ad. author:arona_daal episode playable rated slow thwumps
Created 2008-08-01
Last Modified 2008-08-01
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description 06-2
I loved the tileset, but couldn't find much to do with it. I'm not often happy with my maps, so it shouldn't come as a suprise that this one dissapointed me. Slow thwump action.

Other maps by this author

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Artificial Asteroid Path Gilded Gorge Humanus Arbor Impediment Buckle


Pages: (0)

Demo Data
I thought this was a-friggin-mazing. I really loved it.


Wonderful use of thwumps (faved)
Very hard to get AGD (I couldn't)
I could see a 90 made by "5 tiles"
i was skeptical about the thwumps at first. but i loved the gold and the playablility of it.
high 5!