
Thumbnail of the map 'Awful'

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Tags author:nightmare619 playable rated
Created 2008-07-27
Last Modified 2008-07-27
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description The title says it all, really.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Z' Thumbnail of the map 'The Other Half' Thumbnail of the map 'SaM, as in, Submit a Map' Thumbnail of the map 'I Need a Sunny Day' Thumbnail of the map 'Okay' Thumbnail of the map 'Kakkoi'
Z The Other Half SaM, as in, Submit a Map I Need a Sunny Day Okay Kakkoi


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Nice map.
Demo Data
Awesome save on a bounce block here.
Demo Data

Personal preference

I don't like it when rockets can be bunched.

I love this.

This is not awful!!! Although the multiple rockets made my untrained ninja a little paranoid.


Thanks, fixed. =P
"I occasionally makeS maps.

(Should be "make") ;)
But it's fun.


Thanks, that's sweet. :D
nothing personal.


there' absolutely nothing wrong the the amount of rockets, it's super-simple to get them bunched and just as easy to keep them alive and clustered. Means you're only working against one most of the time.

The only part of this that is awful is the gold protected by two drones. Far too fiddly after such an easy and free flowing main section, imo.


I just felt that the gameplay would be improved if you lost a rocket, the one-ways, and maybe replaced the outside drones with a chaser. The rocket in a little alcove annoys the crap out of me.

Also, my comment had no reflection on your handling of critisism. I think that you've accepted the critisim of this map extremely well compared to the average reaction on this site.
I hope my comment wasn't misconstrued that I wouldn't accept any negative criticism, because that certainly wasn't my intention. I'd actually like to address certain points made in your comment though:

I agree that the drones guarding the switches were somewhat uninspired, but that was mostly because I couldn't figure out an adequate way to constrain them to the switch area without using surface follow. 'Tis a shame, really. :(

As for the one-ways, I'd say they're pretty important because I don't think one can reach the terminal without them. ;) Hey, though, I might be mistaken.

The exit, though, I'm actually surprised you mentioned - I'm certainly aware it's unnecessary - I put it there with a two-fold purpose in mind. One, a player who perhaps doesn't like difficult maps or just wanted another option could choose the alternative route to the zap drone mini-cell. Two, the alternative exit was sort of intended to be a reward for the adventurous N player. If you're lazy and don't attempt the switches, then the map might end up being less fun. If you go for the switches, though, you get access to a sort of mini-map.

I would

agree with Bupo, but, there have been worse maps featured.

Not one of your better maps, I think that there are too many rockets. The drones protecting the gold were nice, but the rest were uncreative. The one-ways did not do much, and the extra door was uneeded.
I appreciate your criticism, Bupo, but I only wish that you could be perhaps a bit more constructive, or, rather, civil in the process. I don't think this is worthy of being featured (although I'm flattered flagmyidol ;)) but I wouldn't go as far to scoff with "Ha! Not a chance."


Ha! Not a chance.

feature this!
Try something with lasers, or chainguns. You use rockets and guasses way too much.
But it's still a strange map to me.
But pretty fun otherwise. 4
Nice map.
Demo Data



Hacksaw <3

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