Comments on "A Step Forward"

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I thought it was loopy, and the tileset looks almost thrown together.

it was ok though.

I mean it

looks like an average race map
plays like an average race map
*is* an average race map

We've fallen into a rut thinking that 'race' only means a set of loopy, semi-automated runs strung together in an obvious fashion.

The problem is, if anyone presents an idea that /isn't/ set to this template, people complain that it's not a race as it doesn't fit to the mean.

Search for my two races (I'm not being narcissistic, I just think they're good examples), lord day has a load and nevermore too. I'm sure there are more, but these will give a good idea of what I'm suggesting.


Demo Data


Good tilset and good beginning
You mean it looks like a race map?

It's another

obvious race map. I don't want to seem like I have some kind of vendetta, I just wish you guys would put more thought into these...

Races don't have to loop all over the place, you know.

whoops sorry


Prob not domination

I like the tileset, maybe you could do with more mines. I didnt make some good jumps, but I still finished fine. Fine tune the race as you make it (im in no position to be talking since I have never made a race map >.<)


fun, and pretty but not really original or exceptional
Demo Data

No Rate?

By either yungerkid or Domination?

It's not very good

But is it like, above average?

pretty good

and all. i especially liked how it ended when it was ahead, as destiny says. an improvement. the tileset, as well, was pretty dang good. 4/5

Really short. I liked the style of it but you're races are too loopy. Just have a look at destiny's races. You're main problem is positionings. The flow was very nice, apart from one or two things that could have been done better. But your enemy positioning and gold positioning isn't very good. Keep trying.
Demo Data


:D Also on NReality if this demo isnt working. You still have to step it up a notch, Flag and daman's races were long and fun, still, good, 4/5.
Demo Data


messy run
Demo Data