Fun on the Bun

Thumbnail of the map 'Fun on the Bun'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author kablamo_boom
Tags action author:kablamo_boom death drones playable puzzle unrated
Created 2008-07-20
Last Modified 2008-07-20
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description WOOO! this map is cool

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Dangerous Challenge 4' Thumbnail of the map 'KILL YOURSELF' Thumbnail of the map 'god damn mines!' Thumbnail of the map 'DONT JUMP' Thumbnail of the map 'fUTURE' Thumbnail of the map 'THE LAZERS'
Dangerous Challenge 4 KILL YOURSELF god damn mines! DONT JUMP fUTURE THE LAZERS


Pages: (0)

I haven't seen it before so I'll just rate it on how it plays: 2/5

show me it
cause i made this one after looking at the one i said before


I swear

I've seen this EXACT tileset before.

You should...

...always credit others in your map's title/description. here is the map i got the idea from

and i delisted the other 2. I didnt mean to do that

Submitting 3 of the exact same map isn't cool :(
Stealing isn't cool :(



YES i got it of another guy. but he said "anyone can use this tileset" so you are a moronfor thinking that and i will have to kill you. :)