
Thumbnail of the map 'Projector'

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Author DDRave
Tags action agd author:ddrave hard nreality playable unrated
Created 2008-07-18
Last Modified 2008-07-18
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data


I'm looking for some agds. Due to a weird bouceblock glitch, a really unsensitive (it almost never senses you) bounceblock sometimes appears at places.
The bounceblocks on the left and right are sturdy, but you can only use the sides of them.

I also set the speed to 600, creating weird stuff. I'll post the normal map later.


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Blastphemy 48 pieces of gum on the ground Over-indulgence Pleasure to meat you. 15 pieces of gum Random Access Memory


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good implementation

if you give them a hard knock, they will move out of place and slow down


ok. thanks


can't be too fast. Due to its nature, a fast bounceblock won't able to detect the collision very well