Surviving 15 Falls

Thumbnail of the map 'Surviving 15 Falls'

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Author The_Smart_Alex
Tags author:the_smart_alex falling landing mines rated surviving timed
Created 2008-07-04
Last Modified 2008-07-04
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Your objective is to fall 15 times without dieing, hitting a mine or running out of time.
You will have between 0-20 seconds left.
Happy Landings!

Other maps by this author

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Death Forever! Rise When You Fall


Pages: (0)

Not Quite

I knew those glitches where there, but I couldn't do anything about them.
I figured people would find out either way.
Hopefully someone's beaten this level!

got it

you just have to keep doing this.
Demo Data


i found a glitch that made me die. i stumbled upon it on my first try with the first fall. somehow on the bottom i walked through the one way wall and onto the launch pad. the good part was that all the bombs on the top wxploded randomly and i jumped across to the goal. i forgot to record so i tried to duplicate it and this is what i got. it was very hard to duplicate but this isnt the same thing. very close though.
Demo Data


It's supposed to be like that.
I could've made it harder, but then again who knows how that would've turned out?
Hope everyone else enjoys it!


Effort... Very little.
Tileset... None
...too repetitive.
...need to have a variety.
Concept... Interesting, but VERY boring.

Video Demo

Anyone needing help?
Well just in case here you go!
Demo Data