Stairway to hell
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well, for one... this shouldn't have the hard tag.
Your tileset... needs a lot of work. Put in more kinds of tiles and work on flow.
The enemies...
...half as many mines (delete every other)
...need more for some action.
The objects...
...ugh! the doors! Try not to have them touch ends, especially forming a corner, and more importantly, don't let a locked/trap door touch the exit! I know, it doesn't make a difference on this map, but if you place a door touching the exit, players can reach the exit THROUGH the door. try it.
...cluster the gold less. Especially in the lower right.
...The door and the one-way in the lower right aren't very necessary.
...Try not to hide things behind gold.
This is my longest post yet.
Your tileset... needs a lot of work. Put in more kinds of tiles and work on flow.
The enemies...
...half as many mines (delete every other)
...need more for some action.
The objects...
...ugh! the doors! Try not to have them touch ends, especially forming a corner, and more importantly, don't let a locked/trap door touch the exit! I know, it doesn't make a difference on this map, but if you place a door touching the exit, players can reach the exit THROUGH the door. try it.
...cluster the gold less. Especially in the lower right.
...The door and the one-way in the lower right aren't very necessary.
...Try not to hide things behind gold.
This is my longest post yet.
AGD...what exactly was the point of making this? and why did i play it?
Demo Data |
About my first DDA, Hallam
I used WAAAY too many launch pads... the ninja wasn't very exciting.
I got lucky that the rockets didn't hit the ninja for so long.
I used too much gold delay.
I cheated. I made paths for the rockets and the only close calls were the rockets near the walls.
The end sucked.
I think the whole thing sucked.