DDA: A Day at the Track

Thumbnail of the map 'DDA: A Day at the Track'

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Author TexaS999
Tags author:texas999 dda fun rated
Created 2008-06-26
Last Modified 2008-06-26
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description I was watchin Formula 1 Highlights and i thought i would do a race track style dda. I know im not the first so..

Other maps by this author

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Tunnel Rat Mirage House of Pain Door Maze Four Square Push Pop


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this is my first map and yes i know i need rockets and stuff

the point

of a dda is that there are close calls with death, much closer than a player could manage, or that it keeps a rocket alive, or does something unbelievable that normally couldn't be done.

but thats ok you're still learning dont listen to the grumpy old men barking about it being uphill both ways

Agree with Orange.

I know I certainly don't like watching ninjas fly across the map. I could do that myself if I wanted to. DDAs need excitement, and this lacks excitement.
The only good part about this DDA is that it worked.


Not the first, but hopefully the last, of its kind. No skill or innovation whatsoever included, but a small part of my insane mind enjoyed watching the ninja hurtled helplessly around this poorly-designed map.