still life. moving.

Thumbnail of the map 'still life.  moving.'

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Author greenn
Tags action author:greenn greenn playable race rated
Created 2008-06-19
Last Modified 2008-06-19
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description my first map.

my first race.

play, rate, and comment,

save the earth!


Pages: (0)

Very nice

For a first map. I like it, so I would give a 3.5... I think its closer to a three though.


for both. I'll give this a 3 because I'm feeling generous and because this is WAY better than most people's first maps.

Nice - some parts were kind of awkward and didn't flow very smoothly, but this is way better than most people's first maps. 4/5.
Demo Data
stick at it and i know you will get it!

If you dont believe me, check out my older stuff - my races got better as i went along.


Use less gold - 6 or 7 clumps should be enough.
Enemies - more variance, lasers, chainguns, floorguards, drones...
Flow - try to make it a bit more obvious where to go - you just didnt seem to land anywhere specific on some of these jumps.

2/5 - not bad for a first
Demo Data