Corn Maize

Thumbnail of the map 'Corn Maize'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author macaddict_17
Tags author:macaddict_17 playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-08-30
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Slightly tough mine-jumper, first all gold demo wins a dedication map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Mr. Tiki 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Mow the Lawn, Doris' Thumbnail of the map 'Vesuvius' Thumbnail of the map 'Cobbler' Thumbnail of the map 'Aquafina' Thumbnail of the map 'Mac OS X'
Mr. Tiki 2 Mow the Lawn, Doris Vesuvius Cobbler Aquafina Mac OS X


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Even I can do this without too much difficulty, and I'm hardly a master of jumping puzzles. 4/5.

Here a real demo.

Done with ease. Simple if you know how to jump.

4.5/5, you jackholes.
Demo Data
First Jump: Jump, then walljump. Avoid the mine.
Really though RTY, are you retarded? Would you rate all women 0's if you're a virgin? What about all cars a 0 because you haven't driven? You vote on playability. If you can't play it, then YOU CAN'T RATE IT.

Check the demo. Look how simple it looks. Because it IS that simple. It's just a jump. There's no toughness, no HAXXOR'ing, nothing.
Demo Data


Tough! I got the second jump my 5th try, but couldn't get it again with ease...
Not even the first jump, so I rated the map a 0. I apologize, I just don't have much skill.


Yikes... Yeah don't make your maps too hard unless you intend to get raped by people lacking skill... clearly states that too many people rate maps down because of lack of skill (ex. "DAM! This map is so hard did he even f'in playtest it! Dang im givin him a zero soooo hard man sooo hardsss since im da master at this game if i cant do it nobody else cannnnn")


Dedication is mine!

The second jump is *murder*. That's probably the hardest thing I've seen in a long time. If you were wondering why you had neither demos nor comments, that's most likely it.
Demo Data