The Cavern

Thumbnail of the map 'The Cavern'

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Author b_dragun
Tags author:b_dragun dda unrated
Created 2005-08-28
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Ok guys, this is my frst DDA and mi first map. Also try holdng right. I'm not good at tis yeat. So please dont be mean nd dont flam me, okay?


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The main DDA was a little ecentric and the right DDA was a little short add-on. Needs danger. Mabye thwumps that don't kill him if you don't want to remake them. Check out the famous peoples like "nevermore", "formica" and others for inspiration.


Thanks for the tips, I need help with maps.

that has some dda making tips


Very good than some other people's DDAs. DDAs should have enemies, but lay them down before you start making the rest of the DDA because otherwise you're gonna have problems. Welcome to NUMA.