Thumbnail of the map 'RREF'

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Author Atilla
Tags author:atilla playable puzzle rated thwumps
Created 2005-08-28
Last Modified 2007-06-22
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Made this one in just a few minutes, after completing a maths assignment. Simplistic Thwump-dodger.

macaddict_17 correctly guessed that RREF stands for Reduced Row Echelon Form.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Return Of Space Invaders' Thumbnail of the map 'Jedi Run' Thumbnail of the map 'Rebound' Thumbnail of the map 'Atomic Clock' Thumbnail of the map 'Fluid Motion' Thumbnail of the map 'Pac Attack'
The Return Of Space Invaders Jedi Run Rebound Atomic Clock Fluid Motion Pac Attack


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macaddict is right. RREF stands for Reduced Row Echelon Form, which is used to describe a matrix with a one as the leading entry (first non-zero number) in each row, and all other entries are zeros in any column that contains a leading entry.

Have a cookie. With peanut butter on top.


I get a mention!
And yeah I do remember hearing about RREF. I'm pretty sure its in my calculator. Nice level, but I'm off to eat some foot.

Algebra, huh?

Reduced-Row Echelon Form. Please make me a chewy, peanut buttery cookie.


Red Reamer Eats Food? Ruffles Ridges Education Frontier? Rail Road Entertainment Fruit?


You get yourself pushed through the one-ways by a thwump, as any seasoned player would know. And RREF most certainly does not stand for anything remotely like that.


See i think we got a problem... how do u get to the exit again?
RREF stands for: Round Round Eater Fart