#16 - Thwump-a-bump jump

Thumbnail of the map '#16 - Thwump-a-bump jump'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author bhz
Tags author:bhz playable simple-challenge thwump unrated
Created 2008-06-04
Last Modified 2008-06-11
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description #16 in my simple challenge series []

Don't complain about mine spamming. Without the extra mines, it would be cheatable.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '#12 - Are joo insane.' Thumbnail of the map '#13 - Living on the Edge' Thumbnail of the map '#14 - Under a Drone' Thumbnail of the map 'Survival' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge Compilation' Thumbnail of the map '#15 - Randomly Through'
#12 - Are joo insane. #13 - Living on the Edge #14 - Under a Drone Survival Simple Challenge Compilation #15 - Randomly Through


Pages: (0)


Demo Data
Demo Data

@ psychosnail: no. fixed

Is this supposed to be possible?
Demo Data

You know...

this reminds me (kinda) of this map:
check the n reality demos.


I think you could probably do floor guards.
Nice map. 4/5

Demo Data