Chemically-Enhanced Map

Thumbnail of the map 'Chemically-Enhanced Map'

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Author gloomp
Tags author:gloomp chemical nature playable puzzle rated tree
Created 2008-06-01
Last Modified 2008-06-01
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description "A little bit o' chemical-enhanced nature every now and then can't hurt, right?" said the CEO cajolingly.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Slack Jawed Yokels' Thumbnail of the map 'Rabbit Ghost' Thumbnail of the map 'False Eyeballs' Thumbnail of the map '([{Slipdream}])' Thumbnail of the map 'Deceitful Servants' Thumbnail of the map 'Mr. Moran'
Slack Jawed Yokels Rabbit Ghost False Eyeballs ([{Slipdream}]) Deceitful Servants Mr. Moran


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Might not be 'unigue', it's still fun to play, and the tileset looks kewl indeed.

O.o Lol ok the tileset is ""unique"" bad spelling AHHHHHH!!! >_<
By the way, folks, feel free to use it.
Demo Data

Meh, nothing special, nothing hard, nothing long, nothing unigue. 3/5
Demo Data