My guitar

Thumbnail of the map 'My guitar'

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Author butchsmudge31
Tags author:butchsmudge31 n-art nart non-playable rated
Created 2008-05-30
Last Modified 2008-05-30
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Simple, its an N-art for my guitar I;m getting soon.
Image. []

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Pipeline' Thumbnail of the map 'Alusive' Thumbnail of the map 'Mosh' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge #15' Thumbnail of the map 'Mechanics' Thumbnail of the map 'Extract'
Pipeline Alusive Mosh Simple Challenge #15 Mechanics Extract


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A little dimented


Good Job.


4/5- sorry for the capitals...

I'm kinda talking about how guitars generally have a more circular shape of a base, then it branches off from there it just looks awkward, i'll go ahead and give it a 4 tho.. Well done.


Its curvy is it not? =\
And, my stupid N won't let me change it. N freezes.

bottoms needs a little more weight, it looks top heavy and awkward near the bottom, needs some curves. So far i love it tho. If you make those changes then i'll come and rate it ^^


In the linked picture they are. =\

What brand is it?

I like how you did the fretboard, only the bottom two dots shouldnt be next to eachother