The Shrine of the Way of N

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Author aetherwolfe
Tags action author:aetherwolfe choices gold labyrinth medium playable possible puzzle temple traps unrated
Created 2008-05-22
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
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Description A quick heads-up: Don't unlock the bottom room. And the goal actually isn't the goal- it's the gold. Though the goal is a nice consolation prize. This level runs at 25-30 zippy frames on my computer, so PLEASE TELL about any lagging. Other than that, good luck, brave ninja-explorer type person!

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The 100 Ordeals: 1-25


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did you have to spam all that gold? think about the people with rubbish computers! >:(

Not bad

got tedious trying to note which was right vs wrong. A good puzzle should have a hidden clue to let you figure it out without just guessing and re-doing over and over and over.
The clue doesn't have to be obvious - just there somewhere.


This is a guessing game. Puzzles require you to think - this just requires you to keep on guessing where the trapdoors are until you find out.
And the huge clusters of gold are ugly, take a long time to load, and don't add to the gameplay.


@stev0: That's the point, stev0. The whole thing is a puzzle. And if I revealed the trap doors, it wouldn't be much of a puzzle, since trap door switches look different than locked door switches. I suggest remembering which ones don't work!

i liked

the first doors
till the trap doors..
never hide em
its not fun =/