try hard

Thumbnail of the map 'try hard'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author PLACE
Tags author:place playable rated
Created 2008-05-16
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description the level with a big twist

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'easy demo ghostedfreak'
easy demo ghostedfreak


Pages: (0)

mine spamming!!!

agh, doesn't your comp lag too?

Agree with Dead_N.

My demo starts on the bounceblock.
Demo Data
You need to get rid of a lot of mines you don't need that many only about 1 under each jump-pad and not as many gauss turrets and make sure to reset the map before submitting a map...

I hate it

when noobs do that, I certainly wasn't THAT dumb!


forgot to reset